Valentine's Blunder
If you want to set up your team members for success - communicate with clarity.
Some leaders learn lessons quickly and others take awhile. On the SDI 2.0, stubbornness is one of my top overdone strengths. My wife can attest to this. Maybe my team too!
During our Valentine's date, we were talking with our friends about failed opportunities. There was a time when we believed our wives when they said, "We don't want anything." But they wanted something! I can't tell you how many times I thought that meant I shouldn't actually get a gift! Yes ... you can judge me ... just know after 20 years I have gotten better at having a little intuition and Meg has gotten better at making sure she is not relying on my intuition!
One of my favorite movie scenes in The Breakup with Vince Vaughn and Jennifer Aniston is when she yells, "I just want you to WANT to do the dishes!"
This is one more example of how waiting and hoping for intuition is the worst type of communication!
Here's the deal. The workplace is not much different. If you want your expectations to be met - don't rely on someone's intuition to provide you exactly what you want.
If you want to set up your team members for success - communicate with clarity.
Everyone wants to feel valued, heard and appreciated. When we don't communicate with clarity we fill in the gaps with assumptions of what we think we heard or what we think someone wants. And both parties end up with an element of frustration.
If you are someone like me, you might be able to leverage some helpful tools. I can't tell you how many times I have pulled up the SDI 2.0 compare feature on my wife and team to make sure I'm communicating in a clear and helpful way or to make sure I'm effectively hearing what they say. When I understand where they are coming from it helps me know how to respond.
There are three key elements to make sure you are connecting with your team members.
1) Communicate with clarity to your team members by saying what you mean and meaning what you say.
2) Cultivate community with your team members by valuing and appreciating how they show up.
3) Check-In with your team members on a regular basis so you know how to support, equip and develop them.
What's Next?
If you need a refresher on your SDI 2.0 or you are wanting to improve the culture and communication in your organization, or you just want to have a conversation set up a virtual coffee:
Purpose and Resignations
I believe the great resignation is happening because people have been living their lives, following a roadmap with no compelling destination.
Life on Mission | Life on Purpose
What is fueling the “great resignation”?
Yes – people want a healthier culture to work in.
Yes – people want more flexibility with their schedules
Yes – people want to make sure the money is there.
It is those things. However, I believe it’s also something much deeper. I believe that, for so long, our identities have been caught up in what we do and where we do it. Think back to every networking event and gala, “I’m [insert name], I’m the [insert fancy title], at [insert org name]." We went to work, went home, ate dinner, went to work one email, rinse repeat.
Yes, there’s a little sarcasm dripping in there, but if we are honest with ourselves not too much.
We can justify anything. We can justify working long hours to get ahead and to be successful. Then we wonder why the fabric of our society has been pulling apart, as work family has replaced actual family.
Then COVID came and interrupted everything. Everyone realized that there’s another way to live and many are pursuing it.
I think what they are actually pursuing is identity. They are pursuing purpose. They are pursuing a clear and compelling vision.
There’s an interesting verse in the book of Proverbs from the Bible. It says, “Where there is no vision the people perish” The Hebrew word “perish” used means, there is no restraint, no direction, no parameters. Meaning people "perish" because they have no clear direction and no boundaries set to get there.
Vision provides destination; mission provides guardrails; values provide fuel; and strategy provides a roadmap.
I believe the great resignation is happening because people have been living their lives, following a roadmap with no compelling destination. Suddenly, retirement at 65 isn’t exciting enough. They want to live with purpose today.
So, what do we do with this realization?
As Leaders/People/Humans: Find your purpose. Find your vision. Find what pumps you up, what brings fulfillment, and what you're passionate about. Then find ways to integrate that at work and home. Clarify your values and be proud of your journey and destination.
As Organizational Leaders: Help your leaders and employees see how they can leverage their strengths, so they are energized at work. Help leaders see how their personal vision can align with the organizational vision. If your organizational vision lacks clarity and your employees lack purpose, give us a call.
Our hope at Insight Leadership Group is that you are a healthy, transformational leader who loves life at work and loves life at home. We want you to be extremely successful at work and dominate the market! We want you to be equally successful at home - leaving a legacy worth remembering.
We don’t want to ask questions and make statements without offering a viable solution. Download the Insight Action Guide right here. This unique tool is used with every executive coaching client to help them clarify their purpose. Inevitably when the leaders find their identify and rest – everything else seems to work out.
If you are a senior level leader looking for more. Check out our Courage and Conviction Leadership Series. We provide small group executive leadership experiences to help leaders rest and take the next step.
Free Download: Insight Action Guide
Management: 201° Performance Management Coaching
Management/Leadership Development: Courageous Leaders Cohort
Executive/Leadership Development: Arkansas Business Executive Leadership Academy
Executive/Senior Leader Development: Courage and Conviction Leadership Experiences
Everything is for sale?
We’ve all had one of those friends or neighbors. You know the ones who are willing to sell anything they own at a moments notice for the right price. We hear, “everything is always for sale” at least once every time we are with them.
On the surface I can roll with it. Things are just things, and we should not be too tied to them. On the other hand – if everything is for sale … is there anything not for sale? Meaning – will money and profit guide our decision making every time – or do we have some priorities that aren’t for sale? Like – dinner with our families, dates with our spouse, attending our kids games, breaking a promise to a team member?
It was Christmas Eve, and I received a message the airline that we had the chance to change our flights for up to $750 per ticket! I got excited about this opportunity for a moment, but then realized changing Meg’s birthday trip for $1,400 might not be the best way to say Happy Birthday! We opted out of changing flights and stayed the course to Daphne Island.
We were sitting in the airport on the way home trying to fly out early after a debacle with customer service. We were on the flight … we were off the flight … we needed two people to not show up for the flight so we could get on the flight. Read that a few times. Then the message came through the PA system at our terminal, "We will offer $700 for anyone who is willing to change flights."
A couple sitting across from us starting to talk through it. The husband said, maybe I can just meet you in NYC and hopefully get there in time to watch the ball drop. The wife had a look of surprise and disbelief. Was $700 worth changing their vacation and missing their NYC experience?
The question started to swirl – is everything for sale? If everything is for sale do we have any convictions about what is not for sale?
It’s amazing how our drive to pad our accounts, to rise through the ranks, to earn the bonus, to get a step ahead can cause to us to put what’s important on the back burner. It’s so easy to replace what is actually important with the urgency of what seems important.
As we watched the couple discuss the options, we saw the demeanor start to shift as they actually processed changing their plans for a flight credit. The wife said, “you can do it, you should do it …” Everyone sitting around them heard the statements the same way every husband over 35 years old hears, “I don’t care where we go to eat”. The couple boarded the plane together.
At Insight Leadership Group we are focused on helping leaders love life at work and love life at home. We’ve seen that leaders who don’t have clear priorities, leaders who don’t have clear boundaries, leaders who don’t have clear values – are leaders who struggle to love life at work and love life at home. Not because they are ineffective, not because they are bad people, not because they don’t care, but because they always have to stop and think: Is the price right for my convictions to shift?
Leaders who know what’s not for sale. Leaders who have clear boundaries, who have clear values, who know their mission … they don’t debate if it’s worth it. They already know the answer and lead forward with courage and conviction.
Here a few resources we have to help leaders love life at work and love life at home. Take the next step as a leader or help the leaders you serve continue to develop.
Free Download: Insight Action Guide
Management: 201° Performance Management
Management/Leadership Development: Courageous Leaders Cohort
Executive/Leadership Development: Arkansas Business Executive Leadership Academy
Executive/Senior Leader Development: Courage and Conviction Leadership Experiences
Flying Through the Fog
Meg and I were flying back from a get-a-way trip after Christmas and storms were brewing everywhere. As we were approached Charlotte, we could barely see the wing of the airplane. We were in a thick fog with zero visibility. And yet … our flight wasn’t delayed.
When I’m driving through the fog I have to slow way down because I can’t see where I’m going. There’s the fear that I’m about hit something right in front of me.
I’ve been hiking through the fog in the Smokey Mountains, and it is obvious why they have that name. When hiking along a ridge with steep drops to the right or left in the thick fog – it's imperative to make sure every step is the right step.
Yet – there we were – flying right along, right on time into Charlotte.
We’ve all been there. Going through the day as if we are in the middle of the fog. Due to external factors, we become hesitant to take a step because we can’t see where we are going. The fog can be debilitating at times and cause us to miss opportunities that are right in front of us. We start to stress, get anxious, get frustrated because instead of continuing to cruise towards our destination we start over analyzing each step like it could be our last.
What’s difference between flying through the fog and driving through the fog?
When flying, we have our destination coordinates, route planned, and air traffic controllers helping us navigate. The pilot is not on their own – so you trust the plan and carry on.
When driving – we are limited to what we can see and are forced to adjust accordingly. We are forced to slow down or move forward recklessly.
Is it possible to fly through the fog at work rather than drive through the fog?
Hang with me a moment.
How many times do we focus so much on ourselves that we forget to collaborate? You are in the middle of a change initiative, but you haven’t collaborated with the people who are impacted by the change.
You are in the middle of adjusting roles and salaries for the organization, but you have not collaborated with the leaders of those teams to hear their perspectives.
You are in the middle of a huge sales promotion, but you have not collaborated with operations to make sure the teams are ready to deliver.
You are in the middle of … you get the picture.
How many times are we forced to slow down or move forward recklessly? Instead of realizing that impacted parties can act as the air traffic controller, collaborating to gain more vision, we treat them as a barrier keeping us from our destination.
The people you have opportunity to serve as a leader can help you fly through the fog without losing momentum. You just have to take the opportunity to strategically collaborate with them.
Strawberry Rhubarb Jam
Strawberry Rhubarb Jam
My usual mantra to shopping is to “get in and get out.” However, this trip was a vacation. I looked up at the display and saw it. My first thought was, “sounds terrible.” My second thought was, “Meg’s favorite pie is Strawberry Rhubarb, so she would probably appreciate the jam.” Points scored! Meg was pumped for her new favorite jam. Our vacation was off to a great start.
A few days later, we were on the trip home, and the jam was in my laptop bag. The friendly security guard searched my bag and pulled out the jam. This wasn’t the first time he’d pulled jam from a laptop bag.
That’s when we had to make a choice. Check the bag or ditch the jam. The real question became, “is the new favorite jam worth $35?” (the cost for purchase and checked bag). Is the new favorite jam worth risking our luggage arriving at the location and worth waiting on our luggage when we arrive at our destination?
Meg assessed what’s essential in travel and life quickly. She ditched the jam I thoughtfully purchased for her. I was emotionally prepared to spend $35 but thankful we didn’t.
There are times in life when our favorite things aren’t the most important. We have to let go of our favorite things to focus on the most important.
There are times when leading what you deemed most important becomes secondary to what is essential.
For example, it was important for every employee to be at the office three years ago. Today it’s crucial for every employee to be accomplishing their responsibilities at home or work.
What was important (employees to work on time) became less critical than employee safety.
What’s most important never changed—employee health, employee engagement, employee productivity, employee retention, etc.
How you lead now has changed and will continue to adjust to accomplish what’s most important. It’s not letting go of your values; it’s making sure you value what’s most important. It’s making sure that what’s not essential doesn’t hold you back.
So, the question becomes: What’s your Strawberry Rhubarb Jam? What do you need to leave behind so you don’t waste resources and lose efficiencies in your business?
If the answer is easy, but the change is hard – give us a call.
Burnt Burger Balls and Developing Strengths
Develop your strengths and develop your leadership. We don’t learn to grill like masters our first time out. It takes practice. So does developing our strengths.
Determined to Learn
My dad was traveling for work and I was determined to eat good grilled food. I was around 16 yrs old and fired up the grill after preparing the burgers. My mom, aunt, cousins and sister were all home.
Alexa and Siri weren’t around to help me. The Encyclopedia Brittanica was in the box. I could have asked Jeeves, but hindsight is 2020.
After working the grill like a "master" the burgers became large burnt burger balls on the grill! No matter how hard I pushed, I couldn't flatten them. They looked done ... I mean they were burnt! Crip on the outside!
I brought them up on the platter and everyone graciously put a burnt burger ball on their bun. We all added cheese and plenty of condiment to cover the taste of whatever we were about to bite into.
Then came the first bite ... They were still raw in the middle!
I think we went for take out that night. My first time grilling was an utter failure!
The burnt burger balls didn't hit the spot. Sometimes our first attempt causes us to revert back to what we did before. It shouldn't though. Keep pushing, keep developing and accomplish your goals.
Don’t Quit Trying When It Doesn’t Work Out
Sometimes when we try something new for the first time it doesn’t work out as planned. It doesn't mean you shouldn't try it again.
Not to brag (maybe a little). My family and friends consider me somewhat of a grill master. It just took lots of practice to get it right.
Sometimes when we try something new for the first time it doesn’t work out as planned. It doesn’t mean we shouldn’t try again.
How are you developing yourself?
What skill set are you trying to develop?
Every time we prepare for a new role or take on a new role we have to develop. What got us there won’t keep us there. You are working with new leaders, new team members, new clients and you need to develop new strengths to be successful. You have them in you - you just need to practice.
My Story
We use the SDI 2.0 Inventory at Insight Leadership Group. This is a picture of the third view the tool gives me. My top strengths are persuasive, self-confident, quick to act, perseverance, and forceful. - Very results focused strengths. When I work with leaders driven with a desire to help people before the result, my natural leadership style can run them the wrong way. My heart for people isn’t always seen in how they perceive me. I had to learn to bring up new strengths to connect with leaders wired up differently than me. It’s not enough to simply trust, I need to communicate trust. It’s not enough to be option oriented, I needed to communicate that I was option oriented. I had to deploy new strengths to rally the team together. My first attempts were a bit awkward and clunky - now it comes naturally.
It’s like working the grill for the first time.
Just because it didn’t work out the first time, doesn’t mean it should be the last time.
If you don’t have have 10 years to figure it out give us call. We help you get there after a few weeks. Register for the Courageous Leaders Cohort to take the next step today.
Urgent Vs Important | Lessons From a Funeral
How many of us focus on the fires instead of consistency? How many of us focus on the "crisis" instead of the plan? Then we wonder why the plans don't move forward as we planned?
We sat in a hotel lobby in rural Illinois with a poorly taxidermy mounted cross eyed coyote looking at everyone in the foyer. The family is pouring in from all over the country during COVID 19, masked up, ready to bury our grandfather. He had passed on Friday morning and we were all gathering on Saturday and Sunday.
As we pour into the only hotel in Princeton, Illinois, it’s clear how tired we all are. We dropped our work, changed our plans and either drove or flew too many hours to count.
It makes me wonder. How come we can we all drop our “work” in a moment to gather for a funeral, but we can’t drop our work in a moment to kick the ball in the yard with our kids, or take our spouse on a date, or mountain bike with a friend. (wondering for myself) When I’m stressed and overwhelmed, I drop the important and focus on the work.
I seem to make time for the urgently important, but not the important.
Why does it take so much to bring family together? How come we can’t make time for the important? Why does the urgent take precedence?
Maybe this week … begin focusing on the important … so we don’t get to the urgent and realize we’ve lost out all along.
We let the urgent take precedence in our families too often. What about at work?
How many of us focus on the fires instead of consistency? How many of us focus on the "crisis" instead of the plan? Then we wonder why the plans don't move forward as we planned?
We are all trying to do our best, focus on what's important, but sometimes we let the urgent become the priority instead of letting what's most important remain the priority.
I think it's important to remember that not everything is a crisis. Not everything is urgent. If we stick to the plan, maybe we have less urgency to worry about.
The Story That Almost Lost Me My Job
I put my mini cup that had one shot of espresso left on the dashboard of the car, and then I asked him, “Can I be honest?” He smiled, “If you can’t be honest then I am not doing my job right”
In 2006, I worked for Automatic Data Processing a Fortune 500 company that offers payroll and tax filing services. I sold payroll to businesses with 50 or less employees across the state of Kansas. My boss Todd Johnson reminded me of an older version of Mr. Clean without the earring. We were out working one day when he asked me to pull into a Java Express. As I drank a double shot of espresso, he asked me one of most difficult questions that I have ever been asked in a job. “Is this what you really want to do for the rest of your life?” I asked, “What do you mean, like this exact job, or working for ADP?” He smiled and then said, “This is why you are a great salesperson”. He asked the same question but in a more assuming way, “Working at a payroll company isn’t what you really want to do for the rest of your life is it?”
I was coming up on my 1-year anniversary with the company and had received a 12% raise in the first 3 months. I had stock options, a 401k, and enjoyed selling to small business owners. My wife was in Physician Assistant school, so I was the only person earning an income for the family. It felt like he was asking me to put all of that on the line when answering his question.
I put my mini cup that had one shot of espresso left on the dashboard of the car, and then I asked him, “Can I be honest?” He smiled, “If you can’t be honest then I am not doing my job right”
I am not sure that many leaders feel the same way that Todd Johnson does. I don’t know if leaders want honesty, I think they want their employees to tow the company line. Do they really care if I love my job, love my life after work, or have other aspirations? Do they think of me as an audience that needs to be engaged and captivated to perform at a higher level? Maybe they just expect me to perform at a high level because they pay me a salary and give me something to show off on my LinkedIn profile. Leadership begins with connection and continues with honesty.
I took a deep breath and thought here goes nothing. “Honestly, I know I am good at sales and it pays the bills. I think no matter what I do I will always be selling, but if I could choose what I wanted to do, it would be to create something of my own.” He said, “Alright tell me more.” Some context for the reader, I have always dreamed of owning a sports complex and had some funding even lined up to potentially start building. I said, “Well, I would like to own a sports complex.” As soon as it came out of my mouth, I was worried he would fire me and say enjoy raking the dirt on the baseball fields. Instead something impactful happened that day that I will never forget. Todd said, “Each & every day you are out here pounding the streets, knocking on doors, and getting hung up on, remember that you are doing this job for Watson Sports Complex!”
The next month I was rookie of the month and 278% of quota. I shouldn’t tell you this part, but when they made the decision to shut down our satellite office, Todd Johnson asked me to come to Kansas City for a meeting. I didn’t know it was going to be a lunch meeting with a job offer I couldn’t accept. He offered a job 2.5 hours away from my wife who was in Physician Assistant school. Obviously, that wouldn’t work out. He said go find another job or start breaking ground on Watson Sports Complex.
Finding a relatable perspective with your team members will be the most impactful thing that you do in 2021. They have dreams and goals that might not be moving up the corporate ladder, but why is that a reason to not motivate them to give 110% while working for you and your team?
Many times, we find ourselves standing in a large open room with many people talking amongst themselves. We notice that there are 1000s maybe 10,000 doors that surround the room. How will we choose which door to step through? We will choose the door that engages us, resonates with us, and gives us the courage to take the first step.
Are you opening the door for your team members to take the next best step in their careers or are you forcing them through the door?
Todd Johnson told me a narrative that drove me to work harder. If you are not telling stories, finding relatable perspectives, and motivating your people according to their narrative then you are losing your audience.
Employee Engagement: Is Isolation Plaguing Your Organization?
Weekly toasts and virtual coffee breaks are valuable and helpful. However, they do not solve the isolation problem plaguing your team. We can help.
We have these conversations with top leaders across the country often…
Our team is overwhelmed. Mental health challenges are constant.
Our team feels isolated and unsupported now more now than ever.
Our team has less work to do and is less productive.
Our team doesn't feel connected to what's happening in the rest of the organization.
Can you relate?
Leaders - these challenges keep creeping up and you keep working diligently to address them. It's been incredible to see and hear how you continue to try and support your team while growing the business and taking care of your clients, patients, vendors, and/or customers.
While we are all working hard to solve the isolation problem I think we have only been scratching at the surface and we can’t afford to allow this problem to keep permeating through our organizations.
Scratching the surface doesn’t solve the problem. It's like when companies tried to fix company culture with bean bag chairs, ping-pong tables, and kegs of beer. Yes - most people appreciated two out of three of those. However, all people appreciate feeling valued, heard, empowered and supported. How are you doing that for your team?
Scratching the surface doesn’t solve the problem. It's like the couple who is in constant marriage trouble. To try and solve the problem, they escape reality and go on a great vacation or buy the car they always wanted. It's great for a few weeks, but then reality sets in. The actual problems weren't solved and the dysfunction continues. (If this is you, sign up for the Life At Home Event!)
Scratching the surface doesn’t solve the problem. Weekly toasts and virtual coffee breaks are valuable and helpful. However, they do not solve the isolation problem plaguing your organization.
People want to feel valued, heard, empowered and supported. People make it hard though. When we don't feel those things, we often make it difficult for others to provide them. We put our walls up… we make excuses… we get "busy". In the meantime, attitudes diminish along with the quality of our work and a culture of ownership, accountability, and excellence.
So what options do we have? Here are a few ideas on how to begin to solve the Isolation problem.
Clear Communication (Two-Way)
No one ever loved playing walkie-talkies with a kid who held the button down the whole time. If we can't dialogue, it's not engaging.
Here's what I'm saying: Communicate as much as you can to your organization as a fast as you can. Then, host a virtual coffee break to dialogue what you communicated. Facilitate conversation (real conversation) about the direction of the company, the values being lived out, the vision for the next year, etc... As well as the fear, questions, and doubts team members might have. Make sure to ask for feedback from your team. They may have great ideas or advice on how to bridge any communication gaps.
Clear Expectations
Take a minute to review and possibly reset job descriptions and roles with your team members. As teams grow and projects shift, it's amazing to see how many great team members take on more than they should. At first it was helpful, but then it becomes detrimental to them and the team. With clear expectations, you can more effectively and authentically support your team.
Clear Check-In Process
Remember: People want to feel valued, heard, empowered and supported. Providing clear and consistent check-ins creates a systemized process for you to lead and your teams to know you are supporting them. This is a priority. How do you solve the isolation problem plaguing your organization? Stop allowing isolation to occur in your organization. Be courageous and lead forward. Do not let fear, insecurity and uncomfortability (new word) win out over good leadership.
201° Performance Management Training
One of the most helpful tools we have been providing our clients has been the 201° Performance Management Training. The system provides the backdrop needed for leaders to move forward and employees to lead up while feeling supported. We see trust returning, productivity increasing and isolation diminishing.
I'm not saying the solution is simple. Mental health, emotional health, physical health - all of these things take time to overcome. However, time itself does not solve the problem. It's like physical health. If you never eat healthy or exercise, you won't get healthy. It's the consistency over time that makes all the difference.
It's the consistency of your leadership, the health of your leadership over time that can make significant impacts on your team and organization.
Reach out if you are ready to solve the isolation problem and improve the accountability and ownership challenges that so many are facing right now. We will walk you through it, so you can lead forward.
Communication Doesn't Have To Suck
Conflict happens when communication doesn’t. Just because you remember saying something doesn’t you have communicated effectively, influentially or strategically.
How come communication is consistently ranked low on most organization feedback surveys?
How come leaders who had great relationships with peers struggle to communicate effectively when they advance up the ladder?
How do you find your voice as a leader, support your leaders, and instill a healthy culture across your team and/or organization?
These questions are more and more prevalent in the virtual world. The answers are not highly complex, but it will take intentionality to become a more effective strategic communicator.
Think of it this way: When my home is in chaos, it is usually because of a lack of communication. My wife didn’t remember me saying something or I did not say something clearly. My boys didn’t remember us asking them to wash the dishes or we didn’t communicate it clear enough. (I’m sure you’ve never experienced this…)
There are a few ways to solve this problem.
Picture after good communication …
Option 1 | Yell and scream and the first one to give in loses, thus proving the most stubborn spouse is the best communicator.
Option 2 | Go silent and stop verbally communicating creating a house of tension and awkwardness for everyone.
Quite frankly, those are two crappy options that I see see spouses take far too often and sadly I see it in the workplace as well. If you need to work on that click this link. (Love Life At Home)
Option 3 | Communicate verbally, clarify alignment, write it down, and share the calendar.
When my wife and I share our plans, remind one another of those plans and write those plans down - we love Life at Home (most of the time!). Usually the alignment happens during the follow-up conversation.
We have plenty of things going on, so it’s easy to forget something. Our weekly game plan helps with this.
I hope you are getting the point. Conflict happens when communication doesn’t. Just because you remember saying something, doesn’t mean you have communicated effectively, influentially or strategically.
Your goal is to gain alignment and Buy-In. Your goal is to help every employee feel empowered to do their jobs and to have clarity in what their job is. Things change and so clarity becomes more challenging during change.
How are you going to provide clarity to your organization?
How are you going to gain alignment?
How are you going to lead through constant change and keep a healthy culture?
The answer rests in effective, clear and consistent communication.
Here are some tactics. you might try.
Tactic 1: Always share vision, strategy, and celebrations during company wide and leadership meetings.
You will feel like you are beating the drum into the ground. But I promise, once you stop beating the drum, the wrong beat will start to be played. You set the tone, so you must set it consistently.
Tactic 2: Forums with teams across all departments
Share vision and communicate desired culture. Then ask what you can do to help everyone love their Life at Work. Anything you can change - change it quickly . The CEO of Delta Dental did this and two changes made a big impact to their morale. He added Sprite to the soda machine and paper towels to the bathrooms. Sometimes the changes are not hard; they are just not thought of. Listen, respond, and watch the team improve.
Tactic 3: Make Rounds
Spend time walking through the office and talk to your team.
Ask: “What’s something exciting that you are working on?”
Ask: “How are your kids doing?”
Ask: “What’s your new favorite restaurant?”
The key to building relationships is to be authentic and personal. You are the leader, so people can easily think you are unapproachable. This happens in small companies and large companies. Making rounds can break down that stereotype and improve the ability for you to be heard.
Tactic 4: Daily or Weekly Updates
Send out daily or weekly updates with stories of the vision and mission being lived out in the organization across all levels. As Donnie Smith, Former CEO of Tyson says, “What you talk is about is people believe is important.” Your words and your stories will influence the attitudes, behaviors, ethics, (culture) of your organization. Share metrics, updates, reasons for change, etc.. and keep people in the known and aligned.
Problem Most Likely Solved
When you leverage all 4 tactics, you will have a much better shot at actually communicating with clarity in your organization. If you only try one tactic, it’s kind of like only saying something once to your spouse and choosing to believe that’s enough.
If you need help creating the right tactics and messaging for you and your organization, we can help you get to where you need to go. Just shoot an email to today.
6.5 Tips On Managing Leadership Stress
6.5 Tips On Managing Leadership Stress
Stress has been taking it’s toll on us. How are you going to fight back? How are you going to manage the leadership stress and love Life at Work and love Life at Home?
Stress, anxiety, insecurity, lack of stability … have plagued our productivity.
You are feeling the stress. The number one request this summer has been for trainings to help teams practice emotional intelligence. You know: manage emotions, be healthy and be able to keep working.
Quite frankly - I was feeling the stress. I was pushing through, but it was catching up. It had been too long since I checked out and reset. During the past few weeks, I found time to take a mini trip with my wife, with my family and with some friends (so, a total of 3 trips). I reset and recharged.
How do I stay recharged? Here are some top tips:
6.5 Tips on Managing Leadership Stress
Tip 1 | Plan
Take 20 minutes on Sunday nights to plan as a family. (Read our story here)
Take 20 minutes every Friday to plan out your work for Monday. Planning for Monday creates a stop on Friday and helps Monday start with instant productivity and engagement.
Be sure your plan includes the activities you need to do to make sure you are the parent, spouse, leader and friend you want to be.
Tip 2 | Eat
More specifically. Eat well. Enjoy breakfast, enjoy lunch and enjoy dinner. Enjoy how you feel in-between meals.
Plan who you want to eat meals with at work and at home. Intentionally connect with family and friends.
Tip 3 | Move
Stand up and stretch. Touch your toes (or try to!). Bring exercise bands into the office.
Take a walk around the block or ride a bike to your next meeting.
Tip 4 | Enjoy
Do what you love to do (as long as it’s not binge watching TV … )
Find something that brings enjoyment and fulfillment.
kick the ball in the yard with your kids even when you are tired
go biking (mountain or road)
go fishing
play golf
sit on the porch and read a book with paper or just sit and reset
Tip 5 | Consistency
Know your values and consistently lead by them. Stress and the unknown can lead to pragmatic justification. Stay focused on your core values and consistently go from there.
Tip 6 | Be Honest
Leaders fill in the blanks with assumptions and those assumptions are usually worse than what is real. Be honest with your team about expectations, opportunities, and challenges. Fill the unknown in with clear communication about what you do know.
Tip 6.5 | Be Hopeful
Communicate with honesty and hope. Hope keeps leaders moving towards tomorrow. Hope pushes through the uncertainty with the idea that it will get better. It’s your job to share hope.
Bonus Tip
Take your vacation days even if you are vacationing near home. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to recharge with your family.
If you and your family are struggling to reset and recharge, join our Life At Home Event in November or send a key leader who could benefit. Here’s the link.
Top 4 Tips On Leading Stressed Out Leaders
Anxiety. Stress. Fear.
You might not have it. You might not understand it.
However, you need to be equipped to lead teams through it.
Many of your team members are struggling to get out of bed to start work. They are struggling to go to bed because of work.
Anxiety. Stress. Fear.
You may not have it. You may not understand it.
However, you need to be equipped to lead teams through it.
Many of your team members are struggling to get out of bed in order to start work. They are struggling to go to bed because of work.
Here are 4 tips that you can begin immediately to help lead stressed out leaders.
Tip 1 | Provide Consistent and Clear Communication
Now more than ever you need to provide clear communication to your teams. They fill in the blanks with assumptions that hurt you, them and the organization. Communicate clearly and consistently. Even if you think they should know or should know why - you need to remind them. Leaders complaining about over-communication is better than assumptions made from no communication.
Tip 2 | Provide Consistent Check-Ins
Leaders need to know where they stand and check-ins provide that assurance. You need to know what’s happening with your leaders and without consistent check-ins, you really can’t be sure. Our check-in process has helped leaders across the country improve relationships and results.
Tip 3 | Provide Organizational Clarity
Leaders under stress are living in the fog of the Appalachians. It’s tough to see 5 feet in front of you. Give them the clarity they need to see what’s important and what to focus on. This is not your chance to micro-manage; this is your chance to develop your team and create a culture of ownership.
Tip 4 | Provide Training
Quality effective training and coaching can help your leaders overcome barriers and stress faster than any other type of development. If you believe in your leaders and need to help them overcome, call us today. We can help.
Bonus Tip: Provide coffee breaks on Zoom or in the office. Conduct meetings outside and walk the long way to the meeting. Ask your team members to walk during a portion of the meeting to help them recharge and get active.
Many of your leaders are stressed and it is impacting every aspect of their life at work and at home. While you cannot fix it for them - you can make sure you are doing what you can as a leader to help empower them.
Top Tips To Start The Week Off Right At Home | Weekly Game Plan
Here’s how we start the week off right. Practical tips on how to start the week so you and your spouse can love life at home and work. Start your weekly game plan.
This last Sunday night, my hot wife and I implemented our Weekly Game Plan Strategy again. (I’ve entitled it that… she usually just rolls her eyes and grabs her planner. Haha!)
It’s been awhile since we’ve needed to do it. It’s been a long “spring-break.” We were already exhausted by the end of that Sunday and my ***-hole tone of voice rang through my bride's ears like an Alanis Morissette song.
Every Sunday for the last few years, we’ve been game-planning the week. (Again- my words… it must be the coach in me.) The Game Plan helps us avoid unnecessary frustrations, arguments and surprises. The Game Plan helps us to find opportunities for rest, dates, family dinners, and time with our kids.
We have:
4 kids.
4 Different Grade Levels
3 Locations.
Multiple Teams (Sports, Business and Church-Related)
+ Growing a Business
Next week, I’m going to work on having a better tone of voice… but this week, I wanted to share the Game Plan with you.
Our mission is help leaders love Life at Work and love Life at Home. It’s a constant challenge because disruptions are never-ending, but we can’t let disruptions dictate our quality of life and family.
Here’s our Weekly Strategy Game Plan:
Each spouse gathers their relevant weekly schedule, meetings, appointments, plans, etc… We pull out the kids' schedules. Then plan out each day before Monday morning arrives. (We usually try to plan a couple weeks out and sometimes the month— BUT at least, the coming week.)
Who drops off who - when and where.
Who picks up who - when and where.
Will any meetings get in the way of the routine? (Work through that TOGETHER- and by that I mean, work out conflicts together.)
When are you going to enjoy a date?
What are you going to plan for meals?
Who’s working where?
Have kids pack their lunches and get their sports bags together.
If trips are coming up in the next two to four weeks- go ahead and remind one another about those plans.
Frustration and anxiety creep in when we are surprised. Take the time to plan your weeks together and avoid the miscommunication pitfalls. Then, review daily because people forget and life happens.
What do you do at home to make sure you and your spouse are ready to enjoy the week?
Lead intentionally, so you can love Life at Home and love Life at Work.
Racism Through A Child's Eye
What I wouldn’t give to have our world be the place that I thought it was…when I had the eyes of a child. Unfortunately it’s not, but it doesn’t mean that I can’t make a choice every day to open those eyes and make a difference. Will you?
Michael’s Take: Growing up - I heard derogatory comments on a regular basis. They always hit closer to home than peers would have been able to see from the color of my skin.
I’m white. Like, really white. If I’m outside for 22 minutes, my skin turns red. The color of someone’s skin doesn’t tell a person’s story. I love going to Doomsday Coffee in Fayetteville. Rosie is one of the owners and is from Mexico. She always jokes about how we share the same homeland and her cooking and accent brings me back to my Aunt Arlene’s house in El Paso.
My dad was born in Chihuahua, Mexico. He was an illegal immigrant until I was 13 years old. We’ve all heard the racist and derogatory comments towards Hispanics. Growing up in North Carolina and Missouri, everyone had plenty of zingers they thought were funny. The perspective on how people are from all walks of life and parts of the world (making them each uniquely incredible) was lost on these zinger-giving-people.
I remember walking across the border from El Paso to Juarez with my family in 4th or 5th grade. We ate at a hole in the wall restaurant and one of the young men serving recognized my grandfather from decades ago in Chihuahua. He came over and gave him a long hug. That moment is ingrained in my memory and makes me proud of my family. It shows that across borders my family treated everyone with respect and dignity that transcends generations. It made me proud of my family and made me want to be like them in that way.
When the insults and poorly formed jokes were flowing in my communities, I found myself correcting them quite often. Feeling the sting every time.The racism towards Hispanics was always out in the open as if it was acceptable behavior. Disgusting and accepted.
The racism towards the black community was a bit more suppressed. It was subtle because it was not socially accepted behavior, it was passive. Maybe in the passivity it’s even more dangerous. More volatile. It’s like hearing the passive comments from from an in-law at Thanksgiving. If you address them it’s going to be awkward … “I didn’t say that”, “I didn’t mean that”, etc… Meanwhile the damage and the pain is there and brooding even more.
What we all know is what is lurks beneath the surface at some point comes up. The racism of a police officer impacts their work. The racism of an HR leader fosters a culture of discrimination. The racism of a CEO influences the decisions of a leadership team. Subtle or overt - people know and grow weary.
The country has grown tired of it. Everyone is tired of the hatred. I hope…
A few years ago we were in Memphis, enjoying great BBQ, we saw the basketball great Grant Hill and then walked the Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial. We talked to our kids about racism in the past and they were confused and didn’t understand it. In our church, in our community, they didn’t see how or why people would be so hateful.
It pains me to sit across the from the table and teach them about the hatred that still continues today. I wanted them to grow up in a better world. What pains me more is knowing that my friends with black children have to not only teach their kids about racism they have to prepare them for when they experience it. Prepare them for discrimination. Prepare them for when they get pulled over. Prepare them for when they get passed over.
So how do we respond in all of this?
What do we do?
Can we make company policies? Yes.
Can we vote better leaders in? Yes.
Does that solve the problem? No.
Racism and hatred stems from our homes and bleeds into our communities and places of work. It’s the responsibility of everyone to no longer turn a blind eye and say, “that’s just [insert name], they don’t mean it”.
It’s no longer okay to passively allow hatred to infiltrate our work places while applying for awards like “Diversity Employer of the Year”.
We can’t legislate discrimination away - our commitment to valuing people has to rid our companies of fostering the ability for hate to live.
It’ looks like this:
A COO changing a bank’s policy so single black women can receive promotions based on performance and are given opportunities for continued certifications. This versus being stuck in poverty perpetuating low-level jobs while walking by the slave trade memorial on their way home from work.
A HR Leader taking the stance to not allow racist leaders to work at the company, even when that meant disrupting the norms of the location and community.
A Communications leader encouraging a team member to write a heartfelt blog to the company to open the conversation of real life to give everyone the courage and confidence to dialogue .
This is a time for business leaders to realize that this is simply about doing what is right. It’s about treating others they way you would want to be treated. It’s not about politics. It’s not about the bottom line. It’s not about a slogan.
It’s about doing the right thing and I pray you have the courage to do so. If you don’t know how - we can help you. We can’t continue as we have been and think the world will get better. Our kids need a better world than this. Let’s not wait for them to create it. Let’s finally move the needle forward. It’s time.
Laura’s Take:
I grew up in the heart of Detroit - 5 Mile Rd. & Grand River Ave. You’ll hear me joke that Eminem had it easy over there on 8 Mile Rd. since the typical rule of thumb was that the lower you got in the mile markers, the rougher the neighborhoods got.
As a kid, I had no idea that it was a rough part of town that I called home. I knew that I had great neighborhood friends, that I laughed, played, stayed outside until the lights came on, etc. I felt safe. I knew I was loved. I was happy. I was color blind.
Now, I’m not going to say that everything was perfect, we did live in a rough part of town. I remember having my brand new bike stolen right after my 5th birthday. Of course I was sad and angry and confused. When things like this happened, and they did regularly, my dad would pull us together and explain that whoever it was that took our bike or whoever it was that broke into our house, that they needed those items more than we did. Not in a dismissive way, but in a way that opened our tiny eyes to the fact that others didn’t have the same things we did…and it didn’t make them bad people. They were just in need. We learned early to try to think about what others might be going through before jumping to conclusions.
You see, early in life we develop the ability to distinguish between kindness and meanness. That was the most important characteristic in our forming this person being a nice friend or are they being mean to me? That’s what mattered. I didn’t care that my friends had darker skin than I did. I thought it was cool and can remember often saying, “I wish my skin could be brown like yours”. I was the minority in this situation and was envious of what others had that I did not.
I’ve obviously grown up and have had experiences along the way that have educated me in the realities of how different I was than my childhood friends. Not only the color of my skin, but also in how we were treated, how people looked at us, how I was afforded privileges that they were not. The hardest lesson that I learned (and continue to learn) is that my own unique experience was not the same for others. Not my black friends and not my white friends. Not everyone had the same type of parents who encouraged respect and understanding. Not everyone had the pleasure of growing up in a culturally diverse community. Not everyone chose to be kind. I was blinded by my own experience and had to consider how other people’s experiences may have seeded beliefs and behaviors that were unimaginable to me.
Here’s where the rubber met the road for me though. I had a choice to make as an adult. What pieces of my upbringing would I hold on to and what would I choose to change through education and experience? I could choose to stay in a state of disbelief and confusion. I could choose to believe that everyone was raised like me and the world was a happy, loving place where everyone got along. I could choose ignorance or I could choose to open my eyes to the injustice that was surrounding me.
I chose the latter and was determined to be steadfast in my values. I decided to pursue a career in Human Resources to make sure that I was in a position that could eradicate the injustices of the workplace. I chose to make a small difference where I could.
Every job interview I’ve ever been on, when asked the question, “what are your weaknesses?”, my response was consistent. I would say, “I have no tolerance for unnecessary rudeness (mean people) or disrespect of others”. Period. Zero tolerance. That was my answer then and would be today as well. You can imagine that answer wasn’t always seen in a positive light. I can remember being told that my stance on these items was too harsh and that, in HR, I needed to practice more diplomacy in situations where rudeness or disrespect would arise. When that happened, I would have a choice again. A choice to remain centered in my values and lead accordingly in an effort to shift the culture in the right direction, or a choice to let company politics dictate how I would lead.
It’s hard to consistently do the right thing and lead in a way that you can be proud of. You will be tested, that’s the reality, but you always have a choice. You can choose to make a positive impact in the injustice that is playing out in front of our eyes. Choose to be the leader, parent, community member that makes a difference, right where you are - no matter where that is. Whether it’s the streets of Detroit, the country club golf course, or the boardroom. They all provide the same opportunity for you to treat people with kindness, respect, and appreciation for what uniquely brought us each to this moment in time.
What I wouldn’t give to have our world be the place that I thought it was…when I had the eyes of a child. Unfortunately it’s not, but it doesn’t mean that I can’t make a choice every day to open those eyes and make a difference. Will you?