Three Overlooked keys
Leaders read a great book, hire a speaker with a big, fancy, canned facilitator binder that they were trained on, and send the calendar invites to the lucky participants. The marketing looks great, but when it’s all done … the organization often spends an inordinate amount of time and $$ on a program that didn’t move the needle forward as hoped.
Launching an Effective Leadership Program for Your Organization
There we were … huddled together before a match … the start of a new season. We were amped up! A team member started the countdown and expected a response. However, no one knew what he was expecting to hear and so it got a little awkward. The awkward moment stifled any momentum we were attempting to manufacture. Let’s just say … we do not have many fond memories of that season.
So, what happened?
We kicked off the season without clear goals, strategy, and roles.
Too often, this same unfortunate event happens in our organizations.
Leaders read a great book, hire a speaker with a big, fancy, canned facilitator binder, and send the calendar invites to the lucky participants. The marketing looks great, but when it’s all over, the organization has spent an inordinate amount of time and money on a program that didn’t move the needle forward as hoped.
With all that said, if you are considering a leadership development program, here are the first three steps we recommend.
Key 1: Validate the Need
Yes, random thoughts can be thought provoking after a frustrating meeting. And, yes, brilliant ideas can often emerge while enjoying an afternoon run. However, at some point, we need to gather data, align on the results, and validate the need for the program.
At Insight Leadership Group, we deploy a comprehensive Cultural Health Inventory within organizations to understand and pinpoint what is working well (and needs to continue) and what areas need more work to improve. This is a granular survey tool. So, we identify: a) what is needed, b) at which level in the organization, and c) why.
For example, every organization needs to improve communication, but communication is very broad. If you want to improve communication in your organization, it is important to know what the gap is.
Communication can mean a multitude of things. Here are a few examples:
Strategic communication distilled through the organization gets lost.
Leadership team members aren’t aligned on the vision or strategy they are expected to drive.
Team members don’t feel valued, appreciated or heard by management.
Teams have miscommunication and therefore are not working well together.
Conflict is wreaking havoc in the organization due to poor or ineffective “challenging conversations” or there’s a lack of willingness to address conflict.
___________ (fill in the blank).
You can imagine why hiring a consultant or deploying an HR Business Partner to improve communication doesn’t always work. The solution deployed isn’t always a solution to the problem.
Some needs we come across often are:
Manage as Coach
Strategic Agility
Change Management
Presentation Training
Emotional and Relational Intelligence
Succession Planning
Talent Calibration
Next Steps: Use data to identify the problem. That way, when a solution is created, the team members feel heard, and the leadership knows how to set the example and reinforce.
Transition: Now that you know what the problem is, you can create realistic goals for a program. Note: You have not created a program yet.
Key 2: Clarify and Align on Goals
Start the with end in mind. Clarify what you hope to happen when this program is complete. The goals should drive the program you build, determine the time allocated for the program, and define the metrics for understanding success.
For example: Do you have leaders who will most likely retire soon? Do you have team members ready to fill their roles or is there a noticeable gap causing some leaders to stay on the team longer than planned? The goal might be to fill the gap for succession planning. That means we need to get a VP ready for an SVP or C-Suite role, and we need to get a director ready for the VP role.
Another example: An organization might be losing individual contributors and attribute the gap to bad managers. The goal will be to improve retention, and we do that by showing the managers how to “manage as a coach”.
Next Steps: Clarify the goals before starting the program. When we have clear goals, we can measure success. Without clear goals, all we can do is hope we feel good about it. At this point in the process, we now know what the gap is and what the goal is. Now, we confirm who needs to participate.
Key 3: Know Your Audience (Who needs to be invited? How are they selected?)
When leaders walk into a room wondering why they are there, it’s a long journey to growth.
When leaders walk into a room knowing why they are in the room, we typically see growth and buy-in sooner and at a faster rate.
Clarify who needs to be in the room and why they need to be there. Then, we can effectively communicate this information to the participants. We want them to see the investment as an honor and not as punishment.
Think about it this way. When a leader stands up to speak without considering the audience, they can quickly lose the audience they are speaking to. The same concept goes for building a leadership program. Knowing the audience drives the creation of the program. The sessions on Relationship Intelligence we deliver for a C-Suite team during an executive offsite are quite different than what we deliver to a group of middle managers. It’s similar content but deployed differently because the needs are different.
Next Steps: Understand the audience that will benefit most from the goals you determined in the last key step. Who from your organization needs to be invited? This will help you clarify and understand your selection parameters.
Now, we are ready to build the program.
It's imperative to align on these three key steps before building and deploying a program: 1) Validate the Need; 2) Clarify and Align on Goals; and 3) Know Your Audience. At Insight Leadership Group, we specialize in building and facilitating custom leadership programs in collaboration with incredible leaders like you.
If you are considering a program build and want to see if we should work together, shoot an email or set up a call with Michael.
Let’s be sure when we kick off programs, we aren’t just manufacturing momentum like my soccer team was. Let’s prepare correctly and build off of actual momentum that drives us to success.
Three Traits of Successful Leaders
Successful leaders are willing to ambitiously adapt and to solve problems. They don’t get stuck doing what they have always done, they look for new ways to solve problems and help their organizations.
Learn to be the leader you were always meant to be!
The weather this week in Northwest Arkansas is incredible. Last night I had to get on my bike and ride. I was pumped up to ride for a while and my trusty bike light was fully charged! Then it happened, my back tire decided to run over something sharp and go flat. We were about a mile from town. After identifying the problem, we put a patch on it only to find another hole in the tire.
What do you do when everything you prepared to do doesn’t work? Three lessons I’ve gleaned from some of the amazing leaders we work with kept me focused.
During the past decade our team has had a unique opportunity to observe, coach, and work with amazing leaders across the world. Before we jump into the list, let me take a moment to describe how we determine if a leader is successful.
Leader Success is …
· When leaders are proud of how they are leading.
· When leaders demonstrate the ability to recast the past and apologize for when they were wrong.
· When leaders have healthy relationships and are driving for extraordinary results.
· When leaders have overcome obstacles without losing their values and damaging their legacy.
· When leaders have healthy relationships with their family and work has not become “their family”.
· When leaders leave a legacy worth remembering in their current season of life.
Leader Success is NOT …
· Measured by financial measures.
· Measured by titles.
· Measured by accolades.
Plenty of leaders have made lots of money, held the highest titles, and won the accolades. Many of those leaders are also successful. I hope we all have them both.
Here’s a short list of a few traits successful leaders exhibit:
1) Resiliently Optimistic
The words of Winston Churchill resonate. Great Britain had their backs against the wall. Hope had to come from internal values and belief that the right side would prevail against all odds. Churchill worked every avenue to problem solve and inspired hope with his speeches even during the Blitz in London.
Great leaders defy the odds, stay persistent and continue to rally their teams during turmoil. They are resilient.
The leaders we observe are facing countless challenges and constant change. They focus on what they can control, stay honest yet instill hope, and find a way to win.
I imagine what drove Churchill not to give up was the idea that our world could not succumb to the horrors of the Nazi regime no matter the cost. Sometimes what drives our resilient optimism is a heavy burden to make wrongs right.
Many times, what drives current leaders to be resiliently optimistic is a healthy perspective of how good we have it even when life is hard (i.e. when we’re anxious, stressed, frustrated, wondering how to close the deal, sharing the news of layoffs, restructuring our business, etc.) How well are we keeping perspective in those hard moments? After all, we each have homes to return to and beds to refresh ourselves for a new day. We have cars to drive to the gym for a workout while sipping on a quality French press coffee. Not ever to make light of our plight, but perspective can help us stay resiliently optimistic while we navigate a tough business landscape.
· What is a challenging situation you are leading through now?
· What opportunity does this situation reveal? (Focus on the opportunity not what is not working.)
Back to my bike story! Resilient Optimism: I was outside on a Sunday night enjoying the weather.
2) Ambitious Adaptability
Franklin Roosevelt led the United States during a very challenging time that shaped and impacted generations. Two years ago, we visited four national parks and every park had a story about how the New Deal program helped expand the park. From the Grand Tetons, Yellowstone, Glacier, and the Badlands, we saw the impact of FDR.
During the depression, he had to find a way to pursue economic recovery. But, he also left a legacy that will never be forgotten. The path and decisions facing him could have potentially continued to put the United States in turmoil. He had to ambitiously adapt.
Successful leaders are willing to ambitiously adapt and to solve problems. They don’t get stuck doing what they have always done, they look for new ways to solve problems and help their organizations.
· What are two opportunities to adapt that you have been unwilling to consider?
· Take a moment to be curious and consider if a part of an idea you have been rejecting could be the very idea you need to practice ambitious adaptability.
Back to my bike story. Ambitious Adaptability: It was a beautiful night to walk in road racing shoes down the greenway. Of course, I wasn’t nervous hearing the sirens of Springdale while walking through the dark.
3) Healthy Community
This may be the most difficult of all the traits to maintain. It seems that the more responsibility we accrue, the busier our lives get, and the more difficult it is to maintain healthy community. When we move up or move cities, establishing authentic healthy friendships can become more and more difficult.
Our focus at Insight Leadership Group is to help leaders become rooted. To be rooted in purpose requires community, knowing what drives you and reciprocity. Healthy leaders have friends outside of work who are in our corners. Many of us have those friends outside of our communities. It is even more difficult to maintain these relationships in the places we live because of the pace of our lives.
However, with all the other traits we could list, this is one of the most significant. When we have healthy community, we are happier. Period. I think it’s because we are made for community and not isolation.
· What steps can you take to be intentional in your friendships?
· Who is in your corner, outside of your spouse?
Healthy Community (from my bike ride): My brother in-law Peter rode back to the car and we still had a great night on the trail!
What’s next? We hope you process the questions and ponder your answers. Let’s work together to love life @ work and love life @ home.
If you need some encouragement during 2025 let us know.
· You have one more week to sign up for the Insight Executive Leadership Academy.
· We are currently accepting new leaders to coach in 2025.
· We have 2 more spots available for Distilled.
“No Smoking”??
…I challenge you to examine your organization for a moment as we head into 2025.
Are there policies in your handbook that contradict your espoused culture? Or, are there cultural policies that contradict what is written on the walls?
Challenging What Holds Us Back in 2025
While on a flight back from Tampa, I found myself hanging out by where the snacks and drinks are stored. That also happens to be where the restroom is (if that doesn’t make you hungry). It’s also where the entrance to the plane happens to be.
When you board the plane there’s a dot matrix printed form on the right side, scotch taped to the wall. (It’s comforting to know technology has caught up with the flying machines we board).
“Smoking Rows” is written on the form at the front of a plane in January 2025. The stewardess told me the plane is 8 years old. This plane with no smoking rows never even experienced smoking on a plane!
Thankfully the rules changed in 1988-1990, depending on the length of flight. It’s been 35 years since it was acceptable to fill an ash tray on a plane, and, yet, “No Smoking” rows are still listed to this day.
To be fair … on the same sheet of paper, it says, “no smoking on all flights”.
You’ve most likely asked the question already, but just in case we are asking different questions …
Why am I reading this?
Why isn’t this thing updated?
What kind of red tape is keeping the word doc editor from updating the dot matrix form taped at the entrance of the American Airline flight A321.
Then I ask … if there’s still a smoking row sign on the wall, what else from the past is still hiding in the hallways of American Airlines and their competitors.
Every person has baggage from the past still that is still apparent if we pay close enough attention. That’s why every organization does as well. (Organizations are made of people!)
I will contest that it’s the disconnects in our lives and organizations we’re a part of that often keep us from accomplishing our goals.
For example: I want to be in better shape, but, as I type this on the flight, the stewardess offered organic ginger snap cookies. Obviously, if they are organic, it’s like losing weight with every bite. You get the point.
More specifically, I challenge you to examine your organization for a moment as we head into 2025.
Are there policies in your handbook that contradict your espoused culture? Or, are there cultural policies that contradict what is written on the walls? Here are a few examples:
We want you to advance your career … we don’t have time for you to attend the Insight Executive Leadership Academy (shameless plug, but you we extended registration through Feb 7 for Little Rock!)
We want you to win at home … you need to stay and work late on this RFP for the next 6 months. Your family will still be there, this project is important.
We want you to take all your PTO time … you can’t take off right now we might get behind on the TPS reports.
We want to hire leaders internally … we don’t assess and develop talent, so we keep hiring from the outside.
We are excited you have a little one on the way … we don’t have a maternity or paternity leave policy.
We are a “get the job done” culture … you worked 39 hours last week and 57 the week before. Make sure you don’t fall behind.
In your organization: What policies or cultural norms go against the grain of what you are trying to create?
In your personal life: What normative behaviors and/or mindsets go against the grain of:
Where you are going? _____________
What behavior or mindset is holding you back? _____________
Who you want to be? _____________
What do you want to accomplish? ____________
Sometimes, what holds each of us and each of our organizations back is not what is flashy … it is what is accepted as normative and not understood.
When we conduct organizational culture surveys, we find meaningful trends that typical employee engagement surveys miss. When the meaningful trends are found, bought into and addressed, organizations and leaders start to thrive.
At the end of the day, we are talking about removing the barriers that hold us back.
The problem is sometimes we are like a child who grows up in trauma and dysfunction as our norm. They know what they want, but struggle to see what holds them back.
Many of us are desensitized to what holds us and our organizations back. We are desensitized to the smoking row signs on the walls.
I want to challenge you this month to answer the questions above and make it personal.
Then schedule a 30-minute complementary coaching session to talk through your biggest challenge (organizationally or personally) and let’s see how we can help you move forward.
“Turbo Mode” is So 2024
We can only operate at that level of “drive” for so long before other areas of our lives start to suffer. We aren’t meant to work on overdrive for weeks and months at a time.
The Secret of Working Hard and Resting Well
The other morning, I started my car when my phone rang as a not-so- gentile reminder. My heart sank … then started beating rapidly … all because I was late to the drop off … 23 minutes late!! My son, Elliott, plays on a soccer team out of Tulsa. He was hitching a ride to soccer practice in Tulsa and all I had to do was drive him 23 minutes to the meet up spot!
Ugh! I felt terrible. So, I put the car in turbo mode and hoped for the best. It was safe to say, vacation mode was over and the first day back was not going as planned!
It was already happening. That feeling ... the feeling we get when we must operate on another level of drive.
Here are my indicators of that unsustainable zone:
When I board a plane, I get my laptop out before we take off so I can “not get behind” and “get ahead”.
When I go to bed, I think about what I have to do in order to win the week.
When I wake up, I bypass healthy rhythms (engaging family, French press coffee, and devotion) and shift to work mode.
When I think about work, I think about what’s not done, not happening, not working, instead of what is done, is happening and is working.
What are your indicators of being in “turbo mode” for too long?
We can only operate at that level of “drive” for so long before other areas of our lives start to suffer. We aren’t meant to work on overdrive for weeks and months at a time.
We are meant to work hard and rest well.
When these indicators are happening, I must realize that exhaustion and family frustration will set in soon. Instead of getting ahead at work and home it seems like only one area moves forward.
The unintended consequences of working in “turbo mode” are not worth it.
We sacrifice ourselves and our family for our work goals and then our work goals are less fulfilling because of what they cost us. We don’t have time to talk about all of the unintended consequences of working in “turbo mode” for too long. But we know we have them. Here are just a few …
Migraines, weight gain, constant stress
Relational disconnect with family
Relational disconnect with team members
The solution is not simple. Adding another PTO day or vacation will not solve the problem. Adding another day at the gym doesn’t change the world. Although, I’m not saying those things aren’t helpful! Take PTO, go on vacation, go to the gym, but recognize those things don’t solve the bigger problem.
The solution is a bit deeper.
Healthy leaders know who they are, where they are going, and why they are going there. Healthy leaders love life at work and love life at home (at least most of the time)! Healthy, legacy leaving leaders know what their purpose is … what drives them.
When we align what’s most important with what we do, we can establish healthier rhythms in life. Why? Because they connect to our purpose. As a result, we’ll also get clear on what to stop doing. We can more easily recognize what is getting in our way and then … align our priorities with our purpose. That’s the key!
Know what’s most important so you know where to focus and what to empower others to be responsible for, instead of just you.
The constant disconnects between work and purpose (and the unintended consequences of those disconnects) is why Session 1 of the Insight Executive Leadership Academy is about Purpose and Rest.
When we deeply root what’s most important with what we do – we are more resilient, we have healthier relationships, and we’re more productive. We tend to come closer to loving life at work and loving life at home.
It starts with knowing where you are rooted and making sure you have healthy rhythms of rest to ensure you remain healthy.
Let’s leave constant “turbo mode” in the rear view of 2024 and set our sights on the new road of loving life at work and loving life at home in 2025.
If you are starting 2025 like I started the day taking my son to soccer, please consider joining us at our Insight Executive Leadership Academy.
Time for a tune up
For some reason, when our bikes are out of tune, we’ll tend to tune them up … but when it’s our lives that are “out of tune”, we tend to think that if we work harder, stay up later, wake up earlier, be smarter, or grind it out … then, all will work out … until it doesn’t!
Four New Rhythms to Help You Love Life @ Work and Love Life @ Home
Do you remember the old school cantilever brakes on bikes? I’m talking about the big brake pads that require absolute alignment for an efficient and enjoyable ride. If the wheel is off in the slightest, or if the wire is loose, or if the brake pad is slightly turned, then every peddle rotation encounters resistance.
The natural response when peddling with resistance is to stop and figure out how to repair it. Why ride with friction when you can make a tweak and enjoy the day outside? (Btw, let’s just take a moment to say, “thank you”, to the engineers who brought disc brakes to bikes!)
For some reason, when our bikes are out of tune, we’ll tend to tune them up … but when it’s our lives that are “out of tune”, we tend to think that if we work harder, stay up later, wake up earlier, be smarter, or grind it out … then, all will work out … until it doesn’t!
No number of vacations or closed deals can keep us from burnout. An instrument is out of tune until it’s tuned up. So, how do we get in tune and stay in tune?
At Insight, we wholeheartedly believe in 8 key rhythms (4 @ Home and 4 @ Work) to help leaders love life @ work and love @ home. We encourage you to start all 8 or just pick a couple of them to sample and see if it’s a rhythm you can commit to.
4 Key Rhythms For Life @ Home
1 | Bed Time Routine | Trade Digital for Paper
Here’s the deal. Candy Crush and TikTok will be there tomorrow. Turn off the digital life at least 30 minutes before you go to bed. Don’t look at your phone while in bed! Even the Cleveland Clinic Agrees. Allow your brain to slow down. Take control of your mind and lose the temptation to keep checking email and messages before bed. Life will go on and it will go on better if you are rested! To help drown out noise at home and the hotel, I play “brown noise”. It’s our patented family noise for sleeping. That’s a joke, but it’s a softer white noise sound that’s more pleasant for sleeping. Pro tip: I also play this noise on early morning flights to get a few more z’s.
Read a book, a devotion or take a moment to journal, but turn off the digital!
2 | Wake Up Routine | Don’t Look!
Wake up and don’t look at your phone. We switched to these alarm clocks to make an easier transition. When we take a moment to wake up without turning on for work, we have a more energetic morning. Read more of the science behind why here. Set your morning routine and stick to it. My best mornings are when I don’t look at my phone until after a few minutes of stretching and reading.
3 | Weekly Game Plan | Align and Communicate
A few years ago, we were going a million miles an hour and not aligned. Meg would call me to ask if I could pick up groceries on my way home and I’d be at a conference in Tampa. I’m happy to pick them up, but it’ll be a couple of days! I had told her about the conference, but it didn’t resonate because of all things she had to manage in her schedule in addition to mine. I’m just thankful we were able to laugh about it later.
Four kids, two college students, four athletes, two small business owners, volunteer work, family, friends and never-ending house projects … our family schedule adapts every week, so we must constantly align to manage. Meg and I have arguments when we are navigating surprises that could have been mitigated with better communication. To avoid those surprises, we sit down on Sunday and game plan the week. Who’s going where when and how are the kids getting to where they need to be … and what are we going to eat! What do we prep, plan to cook, and who’s cooking. Then, we call in reinforcements, shift meetings and make the world work.
The weekly game plan is crucial to supporting one another and finding moments in the week for mini coffee dates or an evening with friends. Work to communicate, help, and honor one another.
4 | Fitness and Food | Prioritize Wellness
Here’s the deal. What we eat and what we do has a tremendous impact on our mental and emotional outlook. There’s a tremendous upside to some level of exercise for 30 minutes a day. Personally, when I walk, ride or lift for 30 minutes a day, my mind is sharper, my attitude is better and my mindset is healthier. Also – my clothes keep fitting. I dream about a season where I commit to a trainer and get ripped again, but, for now, consistency is key to health. I’m a fan of enjoying good food and regular exercise is vital to appreciate the way amazing ingredients can come together to make life changing meals.
4 Key Rhythms For Life @ Work
1 | Prioritize and Plan
Every Friday, review and plan the next week as best as you can. Know what is coming on Monday so you don’t start working and reviewing Sunday. (This is a helpful tip for avoiding burnout.) Make sure your calendar reflects what your top priorities are and rearrange as necessary. I color coordinate my calendar so at a quick glance I can see what priorities my time reflects and if I’m on track and in alignment. If you are working on something that is keeping you from what is most important, then it’s time to stop (let the ball drop) or delegate. Don’t keep riding an out of tune bike or you won’t make it, and your business will suffer.
2 | Manage Time and Tasks
Many productivity gurus encourage us to knock out our top tasks first. Let’s do what is most difficult first thing. I’m a fan of this tip, because the work that requires our deepest thinking tends to get pushed back when all the little tasks and responses fill the day. All are important, so make sure you prioritize when you do what’s most difficult.
3 | Email Management
24/7 email can ruin the ability for us to work. Don’t be afraid to turn off Outlook while writing, planning, or thinking. Fully focus on your work and not your inbox while you work.
Provide Admin access to your email and leverage an EA to help keep your inbox and calendar clean. This is a game changer for enjoying vacation as well! Communicate, align and re-calibrate, but let go of some control and enjoy the extra freedom.
Set key times in the day to work on email (i.e. startup workday ritual or end of day workday ritual that includes clearing your inbox) and overcome the heart palpitations that creep in when you aren’t scanning the inbox all day. As Bobby Boucher learned, “You can do it!”
4 | Intentional Reflection
Take the time to remember why you do what you do. Root your work with your purpose, know what drives you and keep going forward. Reflecting on where we’ve been and where we are going can help us avoid feeling like we are reliving the same year over again. Pay attention to the progress and if you don’t feel like you are making progress – prioritize time to stop and tune up.
How to Tune Up
Every once in a while, I can tune up my bike on my own or invite a friend to help. But most of the time, I need to take it to the shop for 1 of 2 reasons: 1) The bike sat too long without being maintained; or 2) I rode it too far without taking care of it. Either way, I have to take it in and make an investment.
How are you going to tune up for 2025?
Here are 3 proven routes we encourage you to consider for 2025. Review which option is best for you and which option is best for your leadership. Then make the choice.
Executive Coaching Tune-Up
Insight Executive Leadership Academy (includes Coaching)
4 Sessions and Coaching in Little Rock or Northwest Arkansas
Distilled – Experience focused on aligning priorities and purpose while experiencing rest.
What’s Right In Front of You?
Sometimes we can’t find what we are looking for and what we are looking for is right in front of us. During this holiday season, we hope you can see what you have and if you don’t have what you want – that you can make the shifts to find it. However, make sure you are looking for what brings actual fulfillment, so you don’t have to keep looking.
Appreciating What Really Matters Most
Have you ever overlooked what you were looking for?
It seems that just about everything in the fridge eludes me … that and a drawer that has been freshly reorganized. My wife knows exactly where everything is, but my eyes can’t see what’s right in front me! I can tell you where my tools are, business files, etc., but I can’t find the spicy mustard or special spatula! Some might guess I do this to flirt with my wife. You know – the adult way of chasing who you like around on the playground. But I must admit – I struggle to see what’s right in front of me!
We are all searching for something and many times we can’t see what’s right in front of us. We keep looking in all the wrong places for fulfillment, satisfaction, and success … only to wake up and realize everything we have does not provide us everything we actually want.
A few years ago, I attended a Golf Fellowship event in NWA. The facilitator, Terry, was a brilliant leader and good man. A young 28-year-old shared his dream of becoming a CEO of a Fortune 500 one day. Terry looked at him and didn’t poke fun at the dream. He looked at the young recently married man and soon to be father and said something like, “you might not want to make the sacrifice of such a leadership role.”
Over the years, I’ve seen many leaders chase the title and realize years later the sacrifice wasn’t worth it. They were looking for something but overlooked what they had. (Side note: We also work with many C-suite leaders and executives who find healthy rhythms to love life at work and love life at home … they put the work in, but they also know how to keep priorities aligned with purpose and values).
It seems like it was a decade ago when we were setting up for one of our first Christmas Eve Services for our former church, Thrive Christian Church. It was one of those nights where we were trying to determine if we should still hold services or call it off due to “inclement weather”. You know – snow and ice in Northwest Arkansas … the land where milk and bread will fly off the shelves when the temp drops below 29 degrees.
Back to the point of the story. We were setting up for service and it was absolutely freezing out. After church we were going to head to St. Louis to keep up the family tradition of Christmas, which was exhausting. At some point in the night, I misplaced my wallet and realized it when we all got in the car. We looked for who knows how long and decided we (my wife) could survive without my wallet for a few days.
Sometimes we can’t find what we are looking for and what we are looking for is right in front of us. During this holiday season, we hope you can see what you have and if you don’t have what you want – that you can make the shifts to find it. However, make sure you are looking for what brings actual fulfillment, so you don’t have to keep looking.
This morning, I woke up before the alarm and was energized for the day. The light was shining on my wife (of almost 22 years) through the windows and above her, a picture from one of our anniversaries. When I walked out to the living room my 12-year-old was on the couch where I left him last night. We both fell asleep watching the classic Christmas movie, “Spirited” (yes, watch it and have a good afternoon). This morning was an incredible reminder about “what’s most important” in the first 10 minutes prior to my French press coffee.
Last week two of our good friends lost their parents. I was able to attend the funeral. After the service concluded, I had an urge to call my parents. I don’t typically call them every Saturday … but it just felt right. Again, sometimes we spend so much time looking and striving that we miss what and who is right in front us.
The Christmas Eve Service at Thrive that year was incredibly life-giving and energizing. I miss those amazing people. However, the rest of the week there was a constant nagging while I searched for and thought about where my wallet was.
A few days later we started preparing for Sunday and I picked up the rug to let it dry. There was my wallet: lonely, safe, and soaking wet.
We looked frantically for that wallet on Christmas Eve and walked on it countless times. Yet the truth of the matter was that I constantly overlooked what was right in front of me the entire time.
I hope my experience helps spark a thought of appreciation for your family and maybe a thought of making sure you don’t overlook your family while looking ahead to dominating Q1 in 2025.
I haven’t always managed my priorities well … not even close. This blog/article isn’t about how to get back in rhythm – that’s next week. This post is about taking a moment to find a spark of appreciation and gratitude for your family. Let’s not overlook what’s right in front of us this year.
Let’s love life @ home and love life @ work.
P.S. – Give yourself and/or your team a Christmas present to help them keep their priorities in line and be truly successful at work.
Register for the Insight Executive Leadership Academy
Register for Distilled, A unique bourbon experience for leaders to focus on aligning purpose with daily leadership.
Wash or Recline
If you find yourself struggling to love life at work and love life at home, then what will be different in 2025? What decisions will you make that lead to making a big difference over time? Will you do the norm and settle for what is comfortable, or will you do something different to gain an edge?
We have been in in the people development business for quite a number of years and one thing we know … leaders don’t change habits easily. Gaining an “edge” does not happen easily, especially the older we get!
The Power of Small Choices
The small choices we make over time define the lives we live at work and at home. Sometimes the simplest of choices are the ones that make all the difference. Popular TV shows would often show a dad getting home from work, sitting on a recliner, and drinking a beer while watching the game of the night. This concept is obviously not isolated to TV land.
Years ago, I would arrive home both emotionally and physically exhausted … meaning my words were used up and I needed to recharge. I often found myself on the recliner, watching a game, and sipping a beverage while trying to decompress. Meanwhile, my wife was making the world work and taking care of our son. She also needed a recharge moment … and, when I checked out, I was not helpful!
The rhythm I had created was not a positive one for my family. I was not contributing at home. I don’t remember exactly how it happened, but there was a disconnect between who I was becoming and the family man I wanted to be. A shift needed to happen.
I needed to consider if I was going to wash or recline.
One day, when I arrived home from work, I mustered all my energy and started washing dishes in the kitchen. Yes, obviously, the heavens opened, singing began and I was hailed a hero. But, who needs accolades…
But seriously, I needed to do something to contribute, something that required very little thought, and the constant noise of the sink helped me zone out all the other noise. To this day – when I’m exhausted, you will find me washing the dishes.
The small choice to wash dishes made a tremendous impact on my marriage and the example I set for my kids, now four in all.
Each choice we make leads to an outcome. If we have some strategic foresight, we can discern if our choices are leading us to where we want to go.
For example: If you have a team member consistently struggling and underperforming, you must ask yourself the question, “What am I doing to contribute to the issue?” The same decisions over time will lead to worse outcomes. So, you must make new decisions on how to lead your teams.
If you find yourself struggling to love life at work and love life at home, then what will be different in 2025? What decisions will you make that lead to making a big difference over time? Will you do the norm and settle for what is comfortable, or will you do something different to gain an edge?
We have been in in the people development business for quite a number of years and one thing we know … leaders don’t change habits easily. Gaining an “edge” does not happen easily, especially the older we get!
Three keys to sustainable leadership growth are:
Purpose | Leaders need to know why they do what they do and what’s most important
Community | Leaders need to have a healthy community of peers so they don’t feel like they are leading and living on an island
Reciprocity | Leaders need to be giving to others and receiving from others
At Insight, we intentionally structure our leadership programs to include these three elements while we develop communication, leadership skills, management abilities, etc. Anyone can go to a conference and get pumped up. Anyone can sit through a speaker series once a month and hear great ideas. Anyone can go to those events and continue to lead the same way with new buzz words. If you are trying to take the next step in 2025 … and your investment does not include these three elements (above) … we encourage you to look elsewhere.
What will make 2025 different for you? What will be your “washing dishes” moment for leadership development? The choices we make have a direct implication on the outcomes we experience.
Here are four leadership development options proven to help leaders establish healthier rhythms and take the next step in their leadership journey
Executive Coaching | One-on-one support for 8-12 months
Insight Executive Leadership Academy & Mastermind Group | Gain tools, training, executive coaching, and access to dialogue with guest speakers:
Curtis Barnett, CEO & President Arkansas Blue Cross Blue Shield
Mary Doderer, CEO & President Arkansas Children’s
Marlene Creighton, CSO, KraftHeinz
Marshall Saviers, CEO & Principal Cushman & Wakefield/Sage Partners
Manage as Coach Cohort | Training that provides managers the tools and mindset to manage as a coach
Distilled | A unique leadership experience for senior level leaders to help them focus on rest and purpose
Leaders – Move into 2025 with a clear purpose, clear goals, practical tools and an excellent community to help you “win” the year at work and at home.
Shoot me a note ( to discern which route is best for you and which route is best for the leaders on your team. Or, just to say hi!
Michael Brown and the Insight Team
Riding in the Dark
My guess is that you have been in a similar situation. The path ahead is slowly growing darker and you’re fighting for light, trying to see where you are going. For example, the start of the project is smooth, but the farther you get into it the more you realize you should have thought through the plan a bit more thoroughly.
When Quick Decisions Create Exhausting Results
We were out for an unplanned bike ride during the late afternoon, and, since we were feeling fit, we kept going into the early evening. There was one big challenge though … something we couldn’t control … the sunset!!
We were a few miles from the car, and it was pitch black. We were riding with the light of an iPhone in one hand and handlebar in the other, which was probably worse than simply trying to ride through the dark. Let me tell you – riding from the light of a dying iPhone is not relaxing nor is it recommended. What started out as a great idea, turned into an exhausting experience.
My guess is that you have been in a similar situation. The path ahead is slowly growing darker and you’re fighting for light, trying to see where you are going. For example, the start of the project is smooth, but the farther you get into it the more you realize you should have thought through the plan a bit more thoroughly.
I think this is a picture of leadership for many of us. We get into situations because we find ourselves learning on the fly. The entrepreneur motto is something like, we “build the plane while flying”, we “run with scissors”, we “live in controlled chaos”.
If this is confession time, I’ve said all of those things many times. There is an adrenaline rush to figuring things out on the fly, to riding in the dark, and to making things work under pressure. There’s also a cost. I’m reading a book right now called, “The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry”. There’s something healthy about finding a rhythm to living without a constant rush. The cost of riding in the dark is living and working without adequate rest and peace.
We know there are times to “build the plane while flying”, but maybe that’s not wise for the everyday mission of “loving life at work and loving life at home.”
A few weeks ago, I purchased my first bike light and tail light for riding in the dark. It’s amazing how planning ahead and purchasing the right tools can help us enjoy accomplishing our goals.
If you feel like you have been riding in the dark too often during 2024 and want 2025 to be a year with more health and effectiveness, then you need to invest in the right tools. If you continue down the same path you will most likely accomplish the same results. So what will change?
At Insight, we have three open enrollment programs for leaders in 2025 in addition to executive coaching options for your personal and organizational leadership development:
Insight Executive Leadership Academy – 4 facilitated sessions, 4 coaching sessions, Insight 360, SDI 2.0 and more practical tools to prevent you from trying to navigate a fast-paced path in the dark with an iPhone.
Manage as Coach Virtual Cohort – 4 live virtual sessions, and a personalized Leadership Development Plan coaching session to help managers gain the necessary tools to own their role and thrive as a manager.
Distilled – a 2.5-day executive leadership experience in Louisville, KY, to help leaders rest and align what’s most important in their life with the way they lead through life.
Executive Coaching – Invest in personalized coaching to help you lead through 2025 successfully.
Prepare to be Thankful
There will always be things to complain about. Instead, I want to encourage you and challenge you to practice gratitude pre-Thanksgiving. Join the Insight Gratitude Challenge.
Take the Insight Pre-Thanksgiving Gratitude Challenge!
Next week is a unique time when families gather, attempt to make a turkey tasty, and watch the Dallas Cowboys try hard. During election season there’s always an added element of tension in many families who don’t all vote the same way.
I guess there’s always something to be frustrated with. There’s always something to complain about. There’s always something to be afraid of. There’s always a reason or two to live in anxiety and fear instead of thankfulness and peace.
However, I want to encourage you and challenge you to practice gratitude for a little over a week before Thanksgiving. Join the Insight Gratitude Challenge.
Gratitude is a practice and choice. It doesn’t always come naturally. Let me provide you some things to complain about:
Finances are tight.
Team didn’t perform and bonuses aren’t coming.
Adult kids are struggling to hold down a job and might be staying over for more than a week.
You were looked over for a job you want and believe you deserve.
Kids are getting bullied at school.
The candidate of your choice lost an election.
You feel sick and doctors can’t figure out why.
This year is one more reminder that you aren’t pursuing your dreams right now.
There is always something to complain about. My personal list is much longer. Here’s what I know … our complaints add fuel to our fears and our fears rob us of loving life at work and loving life at home.
So, am I saying that practicing gratitude can help you turn the corner? Absolutely. Your family member who voted for the “wrong” candidate might still be an okay person. The boss who overlooked you for a role, might be willing to discuss your future with you … or that might be a sign that it’s time to look for a role in a new organization. When things don’t go our way, there might be an opportunity presenting itself rather than getting stuck in a hole we can’t dig out of.
Our team has been coaching leaders for many years and I can tell you that the leaders who can find something to be thankful for are more resilient, more effective, and have healthier relationships. Grateful leaders find niche opportunities that angry and fearful leaders miss.
Check out these stats from Penn State health.
70% of employees would feel better about themselves if their boss were more grateful, and 81% would work harder.
Employees who experience more gratitude at work report fewer depressive symptoms and stress.
95% of employees agree that a grateful boss is more likely to be successful.
Regular gratitude journaling has been shown to result in 5% to 15% increases in optimism and 25% increased sleep quality.
Lack of gratitude is a major factor in driving job dissatisfaction, turnover, absenteeism, and burnout.
53% of employees would stay at their company longer if they felt more appreciation from their boss.
Gratitude reduces toxic aggression, frustration, and regret even after receiving negative feedback.
In a study of 800 descriptive trait words, “grateful” was rated in the top 4% in terms of likeability.
Over 90% of American teens and adults indicated that expressing gratitude made them “extremely happy” or “somewhat happy”.
A five-minute daily gratitude journal can increase long-term well-being by 10%.
Take the Insight Pre-Thanksgiving Gratitude Challenge: Practice Gratitude Between Now and Thanksgiving
Challenge 1: Share Appreciation
According to researchers, sharing gratitude is one of the few things that can literally change our lives for the better. You are in direct control of your ability to share appreciation for others even if they don’t share appreciation to you.
Share appreciation to your spouse
Share appreciation to your children
Share appreciation to a server or steward on a plane
Share appreciation to a boss
Share appreciation to team member
This can look like a card, a compliment, or a word of encouragement. Look at what someone did well and let them know you noticed.
A few months ago, I saw an employee on a flight handle conflict with another airline employee like a pro. The employee was out of line and our flight attendant handled herself with class even though she was flustered.
After the incident, I let her know how well she handled herself and the situation and that she should be proud of herself. A few others spoke up and started to celebrate the Relationship Intelligence of our flight attendant. She started to tear up and said thank you.
Challenge: Share appreciation without asking or expecting anything in return.
Challenge 2: Morning Meditation
Every morning before you get out of bed think about what you are thankful for instead of what you are dreading. Think about the type of day you want to have and type of leader, spouse, parent, you want to be.
A habit I’m going to relaunch this week is mediating on Matthew 22:34. In the passage, the religious leaders are asking Jesus about what’s most important and Jesus says, “Love the Lord Your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.” The religious leaders agreed, but then Jesus gave a challenge they didn’t like. “This is the first and greatest commandment. The second is like it, ‘Love your neighbor as yourself’.”
So, personally, I recite this as a prayer of thankfulness and think about what my day will look like when I show love (appreciation, gratefulness, compassion) to everyone in my sphere of influence today.
When I wake up after this 2-4 minute exercise, I help the kids get ready with a bit more kindness than normal
Challenge 3: Look Back
Next week, I’m going to prep a turkey, fire up the smoker and attempt to cook a turkey that we will always remember (in a good way). All I can do is research, follow the process and pray it works out. Peace and anxiousness will coexist.
I think that’s a snapshot of what it’s like pursuing a dream, a goal, a purpose. We can prepare, follow the process, take action, and then … hope for the result. It’s like smoking meat though – there are so many elements out of my control: the temperature outside, the moisture level of the wood, and the chance of rain. I can look at those elements out of my control with a negative filter or a positive filter: the temperature, the perfectly seasoned wood, a beautiful fall day. It is those elements out of our control that are sometimes the art of what makes everything work, whether preparing a meal or pursuing a dream.
My guess is there is something in your world right now you are processing personally or professionally that causes you to feel a multitude of diverse emotions, depending on what time of day it is.
That’s why it’s important to look back and not just forward.
Ten years ago, I traveled to our nation’s capital to do a consult with Core Strengths and their certification process. That was a pivotal week that has shaped the approach and depth of work we do at Insight. Now, as a Master Facilitator, with over a decade of experience, Insight has assessed, trained and worked with thousands of leaders in incredible organizations led by amazing leaders. Eleven years ago, all I knew is that I wanted to help leaders love life at work and love life at home. I wanted to help leaders dominate at work in a way that helped everyone in their sphere of influence live and lead better lives. Learning about the SDI 2.0 Inventory has helped propel that dream forward.
I can promise you there have been emotions of gratitude and fear since we started. There is anxiousness and peace … waiting for contracts to sign, waiting for invoices to come in, wondering if this is the right decision. My wife, Meg, has always been a constant support and encouragement.
Now, I have the fortune to work with amazing, qualified leaders helping drive the mission forward: Ryan Morrison, Deena Faseler, Judy Lohmar, Paige Williams, and a new leader helping in the background right now, John Hard.
We strive together to help leaders love life at work and love life at home.
Last week it went full circle for me.
I had the opportunity to travel back to DC.. for the first time to work with a new client. The Carlos Rosario Public Charter School. This is charter school for adult immigrants. The managers and leaders have roots from all around the world. The cafeteria had fried plantains and pupusas. The leaders of this school, work diligently to help adults prepare to pursue a dream and take the next step in their lives. It was such an honor and joy to work and now play a small role in this organizations culture and development.
Looking back with gratitude gives me the courage to look forward with hope and gratefulness.
Challenge: Look back and view what has prepared you for where you are going. There is always something to complain about, but practice focusing on how to be grateful.
Let’s not let fear, anxiousness, and what we have no control over, rob us having the courage to slow down enough to be grateful before we move forward.
Remember, not every turkey turns out well at Thanksgiving. That just means you assess, research and try again. But at least you have a meal to share with friends or family. When you can look back with gratitude and look forward with peace, I think you are on track to love life at work and love life at home.
Here’s the Insight Pre-Thanksgiving Gratitude Challenge:
Share Appreciation
Morning Meditation
Look Back
Share the post or leave a comment if you are joining the challenge.
Have a Happy Thanksgiving next week!
Are You Really a Micromanager?
There are a few instances during the past 15 years in this industry that I’ve seen leaders try to micromanage highly capable leaders. The vast majority of those examples are team members complaining because they don’t appreciate accountability and lack taking ownership. Team members perceive feedback and direction as micromanaging even when performance metrics and poor attitudes persist.
Getting Real About Micromanaging and Being Micromanaged
Are you a micromanager or being micromanaged? Let’s find out!
During an election season there are two things I think we can all agree on.
No one likes to be micromanaged.
Leaders who “micromanage” are exhausted and exhausting.
Do we agree?!
Here’s where some might disagree.
96.3% of employees who accuse a manager of micromanaging are overwhelmingly underperforming team members.
There are a few instances during the past 15 years in this industry that I’ve seen leaders try to micromanage highly capable leaders. The vast majority of those examples are team members complaining because they don’t appreciate accountability and lack taking ownership. Team members perceive feedback and direction as micromanaging even when performance metrics and poor attitudes persist.
Here are three examples to consider:
Example 1) Recently a new leader was hired to take over a team that had been leaderless for over a year. The perception was that this team was doing fine, but the new leader quickly realized the gap between what was reported and what was actual. The new team started hurling the career crippling word to HR: “Our new boss is micromanaging us!”
Example 2) The executive leader was reported to HR for being controlling and micromanaging. The other six teams under this leader provide positive feedback, but for some reason this one team was frustrated. Development sessions, listening meetings, coaching, etc., all led to more complaints. Meanwhile the team performance was abysmal.
Example 3) The executive leader promoted his former team and hired new leadership team members. The team dynamics changed, but the leader did not change the way he interacted. Very quickly the team started to feel like they were not empowered and were being micromanaged. The executive had to learn not to provide input too early because the input was heard as orders instead of ideas.
If you have led well for any length of time, I’m sure you’ve been accused of micromanaging. If you have had a season where your performance didn’t measure up, I’m sure you accused your manager of micromanaging you (if you’re being honest, right?).
So, what do we do about this?
If you think you are being micromanaged …
If you answer, “yes,” to 2 out of 3 questions (below) you are most likely NOT being micromanaged …
Is there a gap between performance and clarified expectations? I’m not talking about your attitude or character here. I’m simply asking you to look at the data.
Do you point the finger at others when results don’t hit the target?
Do you complain about your team, clients and role more than you encourage and celebrate others?
If the answer is “yes”, then there is a clear reason your manager is leaning in more than you appreciate. They are either trying to make sure you hit the mark, or they are trying to develop and support you. I’m not saying your managers approach is spot on, I’m just saying that you need to be aware that your performance needs to improve. The only way your performance improves is if you learn to lead and execute more effectively than you have been.
For example:
You are in sales and you have not hit your targets the past 3 months. Your effort is great, but the manager might be trying to help you grow so you can hit your targets.
You are a project manager and projects are not even close to being on time or on budget, so you are blaming everyone else for not scoping the project correctly and not managing change requests well. But, at the end of day, it’s your responsibility. Your manager might be trying to help you lead through influence to help you achieve the goal.
To make sure this stays fair.
Are you a micromanager? (Take an introspective look and be honest!!)
Do you provide too much instruction to team members who are achieving and accomplishing their goals?
Do you have to approve every outgoing message from a team member who hasn’t had a complaint in the past 6-8 months?
Do you get frustrated if a team member attempts to accomplish their work in a way that you typically wouldn’t and you end up discussing your frustration with them?
If you answer “yes” to 2 out of 3 of these questions, then you might be a micromanager! Just own it! As the trains in the UK say, “See it. Say it. Sorted.”
Here’s the deal. No one wants to be micromanaged and no one wants to be a micromanager.
If you are being micromanaged because you aren’t performing – let’s up your game. If you are micromanaging someone who is hitting it out of the park – slow your roll and improve your openness to learn. If you are trying to develop a team member who is not hitting the mark – let’s try to develop them more effectively.
How do you do that?
From a high-level perspective, we (at Insight) think about managing as a coach. Step 1 to this process is providing clear expectations and knowing your team. Know their personality and strengths.
Then we look at two questions you can see on the images below.
Don’t just use this rubric by yourself if you are a manager. Show it to your team member(s) to discuss where you see them on the chart for this next project or task. Have a conversation and get on the same page.
We know these conversations can be discomforting … kind of like talking politics at the Thanksgiving table. After you drop the question, you aren’t sure where the relationship will be by dessert. That’s no way to love life at work and love life at home.
Set up three coaching sessions to navigate how to have these conversations with your team. We will dive deep into your scenario and context to help you think through what’s happening and how to navigate it like a pro coach.
We don’t promise a smooth political conversation! But we do have a high success rate in helping managers build healthier relationships with their team members while navigating the shift from micromanagement to team member development.
Shoot a note to set up coaching with one of the Insight Coaches and let’s close out 2024 strong so we can move past the micromanaging life in 2025.
Set a time to talk through coaching today.
Michael Brown
The Best Laid Plans …
Every business, project, and leader might plan differently. However, every leader needs a process for planning the short term and the long term. Without a solid plan how you can make strategic decisions based on top priorities that drive the business forward?
The Joy of Priorities Driving Plans
The trip was laid out. Restaurants were researched and selected. Experiences were reserved. Everything was on a spreadsheet. We were ready to roll.
Two weeks ago, my wife and I along with another couple went on an epic one-week adventure to London, Edinburgh (no matter how you say it – someone will correct you!) and a village outside of Inverness. The “Green” in the group is a former engineer who laid everything we planned on the spreadsheet.
This was our first “spreadsheet” vacation. I’ll tell you what, the planning allowed us to enjoy the trip without thinking through random details that can erode your time spent. You know what I’m talking about: the infamous 2-hour questions about where we are going to eat … then not eating until we are hangry.
What’s interesting is how the detailed planning allowed for awesome spontaneity. However, even with detailed plans, plans can fall apart. We had an epic e-bike ride planned to a village 5 miles away. Seemed easy enough … but the area is called “the highlands” for a reason.
Just for your information … when you select “bike path” on Google maps in Scotland, you might end up on a sketchy mountain bike path through fields and forests. The plan was for a smooth country path to the restaurant by the sea not the latter … and some people weren’t too excited about it! Some plans don’t account for every detail.
We finally arrived at the restaurant with gluten free fish and chips and it was closed. Google Maps said it was open, but the locals say they close and open whenever they want. Even the best plans can quickly fall apart.
We were on the verge of the hangry phase and the only other restaurant in the town was a block away. The meal at IV10 was one of the greatest lunches we’ve ever experienced. It was amazing food and customer service from a family run business. No amount of planning could have prepared us for that meal, but, without the planning, we would have never ridden bikes there.
Great priority driven planning allows for spontaneous decisions to make plans better. Poor planning fosters chaos.
For some reason we see two extremes in business.
We see detailed plans and positive disruptions leading to great experiences and top performance.
We see poor planning and leaders wasting time and resources trying to move the needle forward with the team.
Do a quick gut check:
Which camp do you tend to live in more often? _________________
Which camp would your team say you live in? ____________________
Every business, project, and leader might plan differently. However, every leader needs a process for planning the short term and the long term. Without a solid plan how you can make strategic decisions based on top priorities that drive the business forward?
Here are a few questions?
Can you quickly share what your top priorities are?
Does your calendar and time spent reflect your top priorities?
Does your team know what’s most important and are they aligned?
If the answers aren’t as easy as they should be – it might be time to consider coaching to help you get you and your team ready to roll through 2024 and start 2025 ready to dominate.
Remember – when you plan, something will go wrong. Don’t be scared. Follow the priorities and keep driving to accomplish the goal. Who knows – you might end up with something better than you planned.
Which Voice Wins?
It’s amazing what can happen when we tune out the wrong noise and tune into the right voices. It’s amazing what can happen when we learn to address the challenge, continue to bring value and not let the “noise” drown out rational wisdom.
Navigating Towards Better Choices Despite the Noise
Which voice wins?
Example 1: Passionate Defense
We were all sitting around the board room table engaged in discussing the priorities of the organization and if the executive director was on track with the KPIs. We started looking at the data and asking questions because what we had been briefed on did not match what we were reading.
The conversation was calm and supportive, but then one leader began to speak with passion for the mission while frustrated that we did not track performance in the same way she did.
Suddenly, the table was filled with “noise” … subtle jabs … subtle threats … reminders of progress.
Then it happened. Everyone backed down despite the KPIs not being fulfilled.
Have you been at that table … working towards a healthy team striving for success and then defensiveness because of passion takes precedence over ownership and vision?
Example 2: Stressful “Crisis”
The client called on Friday morning frantically asking for deliverables. The lead was overcome by the stress of the client and started saying, “yes, we can take care of that by EOD.” The lead was nervous while the client was stressed. Now the budget was blown on deliverables that were not planned for, contracted, and/or actually needed. In addition to the budget, the team had to work until midnight to deliver the promise by EOD Friday.
You can imagine the “camaraderie” the team had knowing they were working on a project that was generated out of stress and accepted out of reckless accommodation. They completed the project and didn’t hear back from the stressed-out client for two weeks …
Have you been there? So taken over by someone else’s stress that you overlook the irrationality of a request? Instead of being a trusted advisor you let the “noise” wreck the start of a weekend for your team?
Example 3: Angry and Loud
The leader walked in after a long morning of nothing going right. They were out of milk at home, so he couldn’t have his favorite cereal! He got in the car and realized the gas tank was on “E”. The first phone call was a project update that wasn’t positive. You get the picture, “nothing was going right.”
Then, everyone convenes for the team meeting. Sarah is talking about kids’ sports, Bill is updating everyone on fantasy football and Jill is passing out homemade cookies. The leader is fed up at this point and lights everyone up. He takes charge of the meeting, dominates the conversation and pushes bad ideas forward.
The team just sits and listens afraid to speak up even though they know bad decisions are being made and their week of work is going down the drain.
Everyone is trying to help, but not everyone is helpful in the moment.
What situation are you in?
Organizational | Is the problem in your situation organizational? Do you work in a culture where loud voices and passion drive decisions rather than logic and reason?
If this is the issue it’s time to hit reset on your meeting and decision-making culture. Define how you want it to work and roll it out to the team effectively. Need help? Bring in the Insight team and we will help you get to where you need to go.
Peer | Is the problem in your situation personnel? Do you work with a peer who continually speaks up, influences direction and is usually wrong?
Prepare to speak up with questions and/or options and work towards finding a solution that works without accommodating to the loudest voice. If you speak up, others around the table might begin to offer input as well.
Sometimes the loudest voice is just trying to solve the problem, and they can get behind a better solution. (key word – sometimes)
Manager | Is the problem more challenging? Do you work for a leader who makes it very difficult to speak up?
During one-on-one meetings attempt to bring new ideas or solutions to the table and be prepared to answer direct questions. Let the leader know it is challenging to speak up in meetings and ask for advice on how to most effectively speak and offer different ideas.
Sometimes we need to learn to speak up.
Sometimes we need to learn to challenge.
Sometimes we need to lead through and change the culture.
Sometimes we need to lean into the direction we know is right.
Sometimes we need to simply do our jobs.
It’s amazing what can happen when we tune out the wrong noise and tune into the right voices. It’s amazing what can happen when we learn to address the challenge, continue to bring value and not let the “noise” drown out rational wisdom.
What’s That Noise?
When a mother and father are successful at work relationally, while also accomplishing great results, they are more engaged at home with their kids. Kids can enjoy throwing the ball in the yard, they can feel safe to ask questions, they can screw up, and still continue to dream. As a result, kids are kinder to classmates, focus more in school, and grow up being healthier humans.
So, when I ask about what “noise” you are listening to, it is a deeply important question because your answer has a direct correlation to your emotional, relational, physical and spiritual health.
Discerning the “Noise” from the Necessary
What and who are you listening to?
On a daily basis it’s amazing how much “noise” we can pay attention to. This week’s article is about the “noise” you listen to on a personal level, and the next article will be about the noise you listen to from an organizational perspective.
The noise we listen to can have a dramatic impact upon …
Ourselves …
Our relationships …
Our results …
Our productivity …
Our impact …
Our health.
The question is … what “noise” are you listening to?
Do you allow the constant news cycle to fester anxiety and fear about the future?
Do you allow the distance you feel between you and another leader to cause feelings of insecurity about your standing?
Do you allow the feedback you received to cause feelings of anger or fear about your role?
Do you allow the competitor analysis to cause you to feel like you should just give up?
At Insight Leadership Group, we are rooted in helping you love life at work and love life at home. We truly believe that if we can help you love life while succeeding at work, that families and communities can transform. Are we optimists? You better believe it. We also see it.
When a mother and father are successful at work relationally, while also accomplishing great results, they are more engaged at home with their kids. Kids can enjoy throwing the ball in the yard, they can feel safe to ask questions, they can screw up, and still continue to dream. As a result, kids are kinder to classmates, focus more in school, and grow up being healthier humans.
So, when I ask about what “noise” you are listening to, it is a deeply important question because your answer has a direct correlation to your emotional, relational, physical and spiritual health.
I used to love watching crime shows … until I had kids and moved to a somewhat secluded house in the woods. Every noise was a potential bad guy. It’s amazing how much better I sleep when I don’t watch a gut wrenching detective show before bed. This isn’t a crazy concept. This is true for every area of our lives.
Take a moment to consider the “noise” you listen to along with the impact it has on your life.
Are you taking marriage advice and insight from someone who’s marriage is healthy?
Are you taking parental notes from someone who’s kids have turned out to be good humans?
Are you taking business advice from someone who has climbed the ranks and encourages you?
Are you taking financial advice from someone who is on the track you want to be on?
Who are you allowing to speak into your life and what is the result of the “noise” you are inviting in?
Action Step:
If you want to love life at work and love life at home, then take an account of the “noise” you are inviting into your life and the impact it is having on your life. Then – adjust the volume knob accordingly. Maybe even change the station.
The Power of “Yes”
It’s amazing how we find time for what’s important. It’s amazing how we have the opportunity for new experiences when we have margin already built into our lives, so we have space to say yes to new opportunities.
Maybe you are starting to see the transition. Many leaders are running on thin margins, little sleep and can’t find time for what’s important or for new opportunities that arise.
Aligning What’s Most Important with How You Spend Your Time
One of my favorite authors is Bob Goff. He leaves me thinking deeply and laughing a little. He wrote in one of his books, “just say yes…” (side note: It’s really challenging to even type that sentence!)
In order, here are three things to which my 15-year-old son Elliott said “yes!”
Square Dancing. Football. ECNL Soccer.
The summer started okay but was filled with square dance lessons two to three times a week. Yes, a girl he liked invited him to be her dance partner. Then the high school football team recruited Elliott to kick and they practice 5 days a week. Then ENCL soccer recruited Elliott to play and that’s a whole new commitment level.
This past weekend we had all new experiences.
Our 15-year-old Elliott:
Played his first football game. (He’s the field goal specialist).
Competed in his first square dance competition at the Prairie Grove Clothesline Festival. (Yes, it was a girl who made that happen.) It’s the world’s largest square dance competition.
Competed in his first ECNL soccer match in Dallas.
The Browns had a full weekend. We did find time to mow the lawn and fire up the grill, but we also slept quite well.
Two weeks ago, I would have said, “We don’t have time …”
It’s amazing how we find time for what’s important. It’s amazing how we have the opportunity for new experiences when we have margin already built into our lives, so we have space to say yes to new opportunities.
Maybe you are starting to see the transition. Many leaders are running on thin margins, little sleep and can’t find time for what’s important or for new opportunities that arise.
When we think about the health of a leader there are many questions to ask. Here are 3 to ponder this morning. We look at who we are, how we are, and what we do.
Who we are – meaning our unique purpose, values, and philosophy of leadership aligned with our life.
How we are – meaning our emotional, relational, spiritual and physical health.
What we do – meaning our ability to communicate, execute, and think strategically.
We believe that if we know who we are and how we are … then, what we do will be at a higher and more effective level.
Ryan was putting some thought into this the other week, and we found some convergences that make sense.
For example –
If we have a healthy sense of purpose along with values that drive our leadership there’s a good chance we are rested and not burned out.
It’s amazing how much we can accomplish when what’s most important to us aligns with how we spend our time.
Sometimes how we spend our time doesn’t align with what’s most important to us, but it’s also important to finish what we start. Elliott does not dream of another square dance competition, but he finished what he started. Now, he’s looking forward to putting the cowboy boots away and finding some margin in the schedule.
My guess is someone reading this is rested, engaged and feeling fulfilled. If so – what’s most important might be aligned with how you spend your time at work and at home.
My guess is someone reading this is on the verge of burn out … you try to stay focused, but it’s a struggle. You have no margin and the idea of having purpose driving your work is very disconnected from your current view of reality.
What can you do?
Take up square dancing for a month … or …
Focus on the deep work of clarifying what’s most important and then make the tough decisions to align your life at work and at home.
Action Step: Make a list of what’s most important and see if that list is reflected on your calendar.
List your job responsibilities.
List your life at home responsibilities.
List what you love to do at work and after work.
Sometimes, in order to start making strides forward, we simply have to start saying yes to what’s important and align our calendars accordingly.
Need help thinking this through? Set up a time to explore if coaching is the right fit for you to help you navigate this next season of life at work and life at home.