Find the Eddy



I was a cocky 15 year old about to experience the cold Colorado River for the first time after convincing a half-way sober guide to let me go it alone in a kayak. We are heading down the river and he said, “you need to know how to find an eddy in case you need to rest in the rapids”. After learning what an eddy was the hard way, I found myself heaving for air from the cold river.

We’ve all been there. The painful feeling of nothing going right when you are simply trying to rest.

We focus on helping leaders learn to find the eddy so that we can navigate the rapids rather than letting the rapids control us.

If you need to learn how to rest to get back to being you, then give us a call.

Michael Brown

Michael Brown is a husband, father, leadership practitioner, entrepreneur, author, and church planter. Michael has extensive experience coaching, training, facilitating and developing leadership programs for some of the world’s largest organizations and best-known brands. He holds a Master of Arts in Strategic Communication and Leadership from Seton Hall University. Michael is a certified TotalSDI facilitator, Core Strengths facilitator and DiSC certified. He has also served as an adjunct instructor at the University of Arkansas, Ozark Christian College, and Cincinnati Christian University.

Michael has developed customized leadership training programs and curriculum for the past seven years for senior level leadership. Michael also launched Thrive Christian Church in Fayetteville, Arkansas. In his spare time, he makes divots in fairways, tries to fly fish, mountain bikes and coaches his kids’ U8 and U12 world championship soccer teams. Okay, they might not be world champions yet.
